Business Communication Skills

EC softskillR1

We offer effective, fun, thought-provoking, interactive customized Business Communication Skills Workshops for our clients that cater for their specific and unique needs.  All workshops will be organized in 1 day (8 Hours) and offered on-site.  Please contact our Corporate Training Unit for more details.

SN1 - Effective Meeting Management
SN2 - Effective Communication Strategies
SN3 - Delicate Interpersonal Skills
SN4 - Tactful Negotiation Skills
SN5 - Productive Time Management
SN6 - Public Speaking with Confidence
SN7 - Essential Basics of Body Language
SN8 - High Impact Presentation Skills
SN9 - Essential Telephone Etiquette
SN10 - Business Etiquette for Success
SN11 - Handling a Difficult Customer
SN12 - Communicating Across Cultures
SN13 - Selling to International Customers

Please click here for more information on each topics





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     → Corporate Training
      → Testimonials & Clientele