EC Banking & Finance Mandarin & Cantonese Training


The EC Banking & Finance Curriculum is developed by the EC In-house Curriculum Team to provide 30 skill-specific Mandarin & Cantonese modules. You can feel free to mix and match the course contents to enjoy the highest training flexibility and optimum outcome at the lowest cost!

Each course module is composed of key language skills required for communicating effectively in Mandarin & Cantonese, and is tailor-made for learners who would like to focus on enhancing banking and finance communication skills such as stock, bond, fund, etc....

Training Formats:
On-site weekly class / Small workshop (1 Day or 2 Half Days)

Main Topics:

Mandarin & Cantonese



FM1 / FC1 - 行業市場
FM2 / FC2 - 亞洲市場分析
FM3 / FC3 - 歐美市場分析
FM4 / FC4 - 股票
FM5 / FC5 - 債券
FM6 / FC6 - 基金
FM7 / FC7 - 私募基金及信托
FM8 / FC8 - 匯率及貨幣
FM9 / FC9 - 期貨
FM10 / FC10 - 黃金交易
FM11 / FC11 - 衍生工具
FM12 / FC12 - 投資團隊
FM13 / FC13 - 投資計畫及策略
FM14 / FC14 - 投資組合
FM15 / FC15 - 風險管理
FM16 / FC16 - 財富管理
FM17 / FC17 - 盡職調查

FM18 / FC18 - 中國內地及香港銀行
FM19 / FC19 - 儲蓄業務
FM20 / FC20 - 信用卡業務
FM21 / FC21 - 個人理財
FM22 / FC22 - 汽車貸款
FM23 / FC23 - 網上理財
FM24 / FC24 - 帳戶管理
FM25 / FC25 - 保險服務
FM26 / FC26 - 財富投資
FM27 / FC27 - 強積金計劃
FM28 / FC28 - 職業退休計劃
FM29 / FC29 - 資本投資者入境計劃
FM30 / FC30 - 企業貸款與融資