EC Workplace English & Mandarin Training


The EC Workplace Curriculum is developed by the EC In-house Curriculum Team to provide more than 100 skill-specific English and Mandarin modules. You can feel free to mix and match the course contents to enjoy the highest training flexibility and optimum outcome at the lowest cost!

Each course module is composed of key language skills required for communicating effectively in English & Mandarin, and is tailor-made for learners who would like to focus on enhancing workplace communication skills such as socializing, business presentation, email and report writing, meeting & discussion, etc....

Training Formats:
On-site weekly class / Small workshop (1 Day or 2 Half Days)

Main Topics:









M1 - 自我介紹
M2 - 興趣愛好
M3 - 談論天氣
M4 - 詢問地點
M5 - 致電客戶
M6 - 出差安排
M7 - 酒店住宿
M8 - 約會安排
M9 - 商務宴請
M10 - 活動送禮
M11 - 節日假期
M12 - 逛街購物
M13 - 暢遊香港

M14 - 部門溝通
M15 - 部門溝通
M16 - 部門溝通
M17 - 部門溝通
M18 - 工作調動
M19 - 工作彙報
M20 - 公司例會
M21 - 股東會議
M22 - 報告業績
M23 - 產品研發
M24 - 產品代理
M25 - 商業談判
M26 - 市場競爭
M27 - 資金運轉
M28 - 銀行貸款
M29 - 匯率換算
M30 - 保險索賠
M31 - 內部審計
M32 - 合規監管
M33 - 辦公系統

M34 - 參加會議
M35 - 安排會議
M36 - 開始會議
M37 - 報告及說明
M38 - 詢問意見
M39 - 達成共識
M40 - 結束會議
M41 - 會議簡報
M42 - 簡報常用圖表
M43 - 結束簡報
M44 - 回答問題
M45 - 會議輔助工具

M46 - 介紹公司
M47 - 推銷產品
M48 - 推銷會籍
M49 - 市場調查
M50 - 增加銷售
M51 - 訂單洽談
M52 - 簽訂合同
M53 - 產品運送
M54 - 客戶服務
M55 - 電話客服
M56 - 客服中心
M57 - 服務安排
M58 - 顧客網站
M59 - 客服條款
M60 - 處理投訴
M61 - 售後服務

M62 - 法律合規部
M63 - 資訊科技部M64 - 財務部
M65 - 人力資源部M66 - 市場推廣部M67 - 秘書
M68 - 物流部

M69 - 招聘面試
M70 - 招聘面試
M71 - 招聘面試
M72 - 招聘面試
M73 - 入職安排
M74 - 員工培訓
M75 - 員工培訓
M76 - 員工管理
M77 - 員工輔導
M78 - 年度考核
M79 - 年度考核
M80 - 離職與解聘

M81 - 簡體字速成
M82 - 中文電郵書寫
M83 - 中文報告書寫
M84 - 中文商務函件寫
M85 - 中文公司文書書寫M86 - 中文公函書寫



E1 - Essential Vocabulary for Business (I)
E2 - Essential Vocabulary for Business (II)
E3 - Grammar for Business (I)
E4 - Grammar for Business (II)
E5 - Essential Writing Skills
E6 - Tone and Style in Business Writing (I)
E7 - Tone and Style in Business Writing (II)
E8 - Email Writing Skills and Netiquette (I)
E9 - Email Writing Skills and Netiquette (II)
E10 - Modern Business Letter Writing

E11 - Professional Report Writing (I)
E12 - Professional Report Writing (II)
E13 - Writing Clear and Accurate Financial Report
E14 - Effective Proposal Writing
E15 - Collaborative Business Writing
E16 - Creative and Persuasive Writing
E17 - Replying to Enquiries and Complaints
E18 - Business Presentations (I)
E19 - Business Presentations (II)
E20 - Meetings and Discussions (I)

E21 - Meetings and Discussions (II)

E22 - Winning in Negotiation (I)
E23 - Winning in Negotiation (II)
E24 - Professional Customer Services (I)
E25 - Professional Customer Services (II)
E26 - Communicative Telephone Skills (I)
E27 - Communicative Telephone Skills (II)
E28 - Successful Socializing with Foreigners (I)
E29 - Successful Socializing with Foreigners (II)
E30 - Speaking for Success (I)

E31 - Speaking for Success (II)
E32 - Job Interviews
E33 - English for the Financial Sector
E34 - English for Human Resources
E35 - English for Sales & Purchasing
E36 - English for Logistics
E37 - English for Engineering
E38 - English for Business Travellers (I)
E39 - English for Business Travellers (II)